Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life as a New Working Mom

Having experienced both in my life now, I have enormous respect for two things...1) stay-at-home moms and 2) working moms (so I guess I'm saying moms in general are awesome).  But really, either path that a mother can choose - working or staying at home - have their own rewards and challenges.

There is nothing I loved more than being at home with Annie for the first 9.5 weeks of her life.  I loved being with her every second of every day and I truly enjoyed only focusing on her for that time - I barely thought about work (worked for a few hours a week, but that was really about it).  The fact that I truly loved being home with her made me really nervous about going back to work.  I was afraid that I was going to go back to work and really not like being there.  I knew eventually that I would probably get used to it, but I figured it may take me a long time.

I went back to work on Monday, March 4th.  Luckily I decided to do half days the first 3 days, which I know helped ease me into this working thing.  Of course the first morning that I left for work, I cried when I went to go wake Annie up and say goodbye.  I called my sister on the way to work to distract myself - so luckily the only time I cried was when I left the apartment.  But, much to my surprise, when I walked into my office at work for the first time in 2.5 months, I felt happy.  I was happy to be back.  As much as I miss Annie when I am at work (and believe me I do), I have really enjoyed getting back into the swing of things and working again.  I think overall there are 3 things that have really helped with this transition:
  1. We feel really good about our day care - we know that Annie is being well cared for!  Lauren is awesome and we have great communication, which is key.
  2. I really love my job - I think it helped to leave for a few months to really learn to appreciate how great and fun my job actually is (yup, I love weather and climate!...I'm a nerd, I know!)
  3. Work has been so busy that I haven't had much time to think about anything else when I'm there! - and this was definitely true of the first week because we had a big outreach event that first weekend!  Here is a picture of Annie and I at that outreach event!  Annie got to come see her mommy work :)
Annie's first time in her big girl stroller too (looking out at the world!) :)

I think some of the things that make it most difficult to be a working mom (at least for me) are the following...
  1. I feel sad and guilty that essentially, I am only spending 3-3.5 hours a day with Annie during the week.  I get about 15 minutes with her in the morning before I leave (which luckily is when she is all super smiley and happy after waking up!) and then after we get home at 4:30, we have until about 7:30 or 8 when she goes to bed.  That is really hard to wrap my brain around...3.5 hours a day.  Just simply not enough.  But, even if I don't get to spend quite as much time with her as I would like during the week, I know it is how I spend that time with her that is so important.  And unless something else really needs to be done, Annie is 100% my focus when I get home from work at 4:30!!
  2. The weeknights fly by and I am exhausted at the end: by the time we get home and I play with Annie, feed her, feed us, give Annie a bath, and then put her to bed...I have to pick up the apartment, pack lunches/bottles for the next day...and I am exhausted.  I go straight to bed - and usually an hour later than I would like to. 
Another thing I have learned to appreciate as a working mom....weekends!!!  Non-stop loving on my baby girl is the best!!  While it's still an adjustment being back at work, I really think we've gotten into a great schedule and things are going so well!  I know there will be some days that are tougher than others, but overall, the transition really went better than I thought it would!!

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