Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas! 3 days to go!

Merry Christmas!  

There is no doubt that our best Christmas gift is yet to come in just a few short days!  We are so excited to share today with our family and friends, anxiously anticipating Annie's arrival! 

I had my last appointment yesterday and everything is set for the induction on Thursday night!  See?  These are my only two appointments left on myCarle!  Crazy!!

We had a growth scan ultrasound yesterday at my last appointment and they estimate Annie to be about 7 pounds, 10 ounces right now (61st percentile)!  So, still right about average but slightly above.  Sounds like we will have a good sized baby girl, but not too big :)

Dr. Fulfer checked me yesterday and I am about the same as far as progression goes as I was a week ago...1.5 centimeters dilated, ~50% effaced, and her head is still really low!  That should help things when I come in for my induction!  

The plan is to call around 4:30pm on Thursday afternoon and Labor and Delivery will tell me what time to come in - or, if they are really busy, tell me to call back in a few hours to see if they have a bed for me.  I really hope that it's not too busy and I am able to get in Thursday night!  What a letdown that would be.  But, the hope is to get me in around 7pm on Thursday night for cervidil and a good nights rest :)  Then at about 7am on Friday they will start pitocin!  Dr. Fulfer said if everything goes well, to expect a baby sometime Friday afternoon/evening - or even Saturday morning!!

Please say a prayer for a safe delivery - can't wait to announce the birth of our daughter! :)


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